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Wole Soyinka Advocates For Decentralization In Nigeria For Improved National Well-being

1 min read

Nobel Laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka, on Thursday, said Nigeria needs to be decentralised for Nigerians to enjoy the country more.




Soyinka made the case for decentralisation on Thursday at the PUNCH Newspapers’ 50th-anniversary lecture held at the Civic Centre, Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, Victoria Island, Lagos.

The lecture, which was delivered by the Nobel laureate, is part of the weeklong activities marking the 50th anniversary of PUNCH.

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Delivering his lecture titled ‘Recovering the Narrative’, Soyinka said the country should toe the path of breaking up if the path would solve the country’s challenges.

The elder statesman said decentralisation would allow governance to get closer to the people, adding that it was high time for leaders to stop taking Nigerians for a ride.

He explained that while Nigerian politicians know the importance of restructuring, they change their tune when they get to power.


He said, “What do you mean by restructuring? Well, I don’t even like the word restructuring. I use, I prefer expressions like reconfiguration and decentralisation. Everybody can grasp that, decentralisation. And those who lead, recognise the necessity of it. They recognise the importance, almost the inevitability of it until they get into power, yes, that’s the difference.

“It’s about time, I think leaders stopped taking this nation for a ride, you know, we must decentralise. Security, you know, has become a burden to bear. From all corners of the nation, that is the crime.