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Infractions Detected In NIN Enrolment – NIMC Boss

2 min read

The Director-General, National Identity Management Commission, Abisoye Coker-Odusote, has stated that the commission observed countless infractions and unwholesome practices during the National Identity Number enrolment and modification processes in the country.




While noting that some staff of the commission and their Front-End Partners were involved in “unwholesome conduct,” the DG noted that the NIMC would not spare those found guilty of such acts.

Coker-Odusote disclosed this in Abuja at the opening of a four-day training for the first batch of newly revalidated Front-End Partners.

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The DG said, “On assumption of office, we observed countless infractions and unwholesome practices in the NIN enrolment and modification services. Most of the reports of infractions, upon investigation, were done by some of our Front-End Partners.

“I am not exonerating NIMC staff completely but as you may be aware, on different occasions, I led sting operations to some of our offices, where some staff were caught red-handed perpetrating unwholesome conduct.”




The DG lamented the corruption that had eaten deep into the commission, adding that most claims made by some FEPs were questionable.





She said, “And don’t forget that I inherited huge debts owed FEPs for over two years. Some of the invoices and claims were questionable, requiring proper auditing.






“The rot in the process and system left me with no option but to take deliberate steps towards sanitising the enrolment process.”




Coker-Odusote “directed that NIN enrolment activities at all FEP centres be suspended temporarily, pending the outcome of a revalidation exercise,” as she cautioned that the “revalidation of all FEPs was not targeted at anyone or group. It was a step towards sanitising the system and processes while ensuring the integrity of data in the country’s identity database.”




The NIMC DG noted that the revalidation was one among other steps “towards proper auditing of the claims made by some of our FEPs,” saying that the “exercise was part of the steps towards ensuring compliance with the highest standards of data security among the FEPs.”

“Please be advised that the revalidation exercise is being implemented in phases. This is just the first and not the last.




“Let me use this medium to remind you all that NIN enrolment is free of charge in Nigeria. My administration has zero tolerance for corruption. We shall therefore not spare anyone found perpetrating corrupt practices or any other form of infractions,” Coker-Odusote added.





The DG also lauded President Bola Tinubu for his support while stressing her earlier promise to ensure that FEPs with genuine claims are paid whatever they are owed very soon.




Representatives of the newly revalidated FEPs commending the commission for its steps towards sanitising the system.