Wale Adenuga Productions’ comedy series, Akpan and Oduma, is back for its seventh season. Regarded as one of the most popular comedy skits in the country with over 80 million views on YouTube, the new season will be available for global audiences from Monday, May 30, 2022.
it was reported that the 10-minute sitcom revolves around the lives of the comical duo— Akpan and Oduma— and the situations they get into. The duo recently left their village for Lagos in a quest to acquire quick and massive wealth. The sitcom details their everyday lives and the several hilarious situations they get into due to culture shock, their crooked schemes, as well as the occasional bad luck. It features supporting characters such as Chief Olododo, Patoski, Sister Bridget, Brother Shangalo, Ebubae and others.
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Every Monday, a fresh episode of the show will be premiered on WapTV’s YouTube Channel, which boasts of 475,000 subscribers and over 124m views.