Woman Aims To Have “The World Biggest Bum”

Natasha Crown
By Musa Adekunle
Everyone has his or her own mission and vision they want to actualize in life, so as this determined model having more than six-foot wide butt, gorging on junk food with the motive to make her butt and boob the ever bigger in the world.
Natasha Crown wants to put on a suggesting four stones (56Ib) so that doctors can redistribute her fat and make her butt and boob “The World’s Biggest”.
Natasha is a graduate, from Gothenburg, Sweden, now downing takeaways, pasta, pizza and six kilos of Nutella a month to achieve the body of her dreams.
She declared:” I will do whatever it takes to have the world’s biggest bum”
Vanguard reports, she has her own Instagram page, earns a living from selling footages and pictures of her boobs and butt to fans across the world. At 5ft 10, she currently weighs21st, and she had her first cosmetic procedures at just 20.
Natasha said,” Maybe I have body dysmorphia or something but I don’t feel like it is even that big. I definitely want bigger.
“When I was a teenager and my body started to change, I got boobs, I got bum. I just love my body so much”, she added.
Natasha has since then had the Brazilian butt lifts, boobs jobs and other bum helping procedures.
She explained how, when she walks, she feels the going up and down that is,” the jiggling, jiggling, jiggling”, she also said that her backside makes her feel sexy and powerful.