Former Minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, has told the Minister of Women Affairs, Aisha Alhassan to take a stand for the truth instead of blowing hot and cold.
Fani-Kayode’s recommendation to Alhassan came after the Women’s affairs minister took a swipe at him for allegedly peddling “lies and propaganda”.
But the former Minister of Aviation stood by his earlier statements, saying if his comments were lies why did it take Alhassan time to deny.
“It took her 24 hours to deny the story and I wonder why it took so long. If the story is not true she should blame the original source, medium and author of the allegation and not me.
“I merely reacted to it like millions of other Nigerians did. She should clean up her stinking mess and not blame me for it.
“I guess that it is also not true that her associates in the APC government have alleged that 12 million went missing under her watch as Minister and that she now supports Abubakar Atiku against her own boss.
“She should stand firm and stop blowing hot and cold. You cannot serve God and the devil at the same time. I repeat she should clean up her stinking mess and understand that I am not a soft or easy target.
“Whichever way the APC sun is still setting. My advice to her is to stop getting her pretty knickers in a twist, to tow the path of honor, to resign from this accursed government and to leave the APC before they strip her stark naked and feed her to the dogs.”