Skitmaker and content creator,Bukunmi Adeaga Ilori popularly known as Kiekie has set the internet on fire with her new maternity shoot.
The expectant mother took to her Instagram page, to share gorgeous photos of her which has left many speechless.
Since announcing her pregnancy, Kiekie has stepped up her fashion game and has been giving many a run for their money with her maternity styles.
In the shoot, Kiekie could be seen wearing a black dress with a white tulle and a hat and gloves.
The photos has since won the hearts of her fans as they took to her comment section to gush over her pregnancy glow.
“Woman. Preggy. Wednesday.
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After hoarding these Jpengs for 2 months and staring at the first slide as my beautiful wall paper. Myself and @shonaola_olori decided to share them with you”, she captioned the photos.
Reactions to Kiekie’s maternity shoot
One Bee rahh wrote, “Ahhhhhhhh Kiekie has finished us in this app… Damn!!
One Habyke wrote, “You fine die
One Kiekstarters wrote, “Not me screaming Haha haha. You have hacked this pregnancy of a things tooooriiiiiiiiiii who slays like this during preggyyyyy
One Buckle Memoirs wrote, “So beautiful, we definitely can’t wait to meet Shonaola
One Teepha Hairmart wrote, “Ahn Ahn this is the Best Picture on the internet today. E over choke
One Onifadekhennie wrote, “Most beautiful preggo!!! Sexyyyyy at! Damn
One Official o2bu1 wrote, “See as person be like Angel of God wey carry belle