Prophet Genesis
Hardly does he make predictions, but when he does they come into manifestation as spoken. And inspite of this incredible power, he doesn’t blow his trumpet nor seeks attention for his many fulfilled prophecies. He would rather want them to be in clandestine. This is the world of Prophet Isreal Oladele Ogundipe a.k.a. Genesis, the shepherd-in-charge of Genesis Model Int’l, Celestial Church of Christ, an unsung man-of-God who lives a quiet life at Alakuko in Lagos.
Few years ago, the prophet told his congregations during one of his sermons that a plane crash was imminent and warned them not to travel by air for a period of time. He also urged them to pray towards averting such tragedy in the nation. But sadly the crash eventually happened.
Genesis is not a prophet of doom, but he says things as revealed to him from God. Many of his wonderful promises had also come to past. This explains why famous people and politicians have turned his ultra-modern auditorium in Lagos to a Mecca of sort.
Some days ago, we overheard him saying with conviction while having a chit-chat with his allies that President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan would be re-elected into office come 2015. In his words, “President Jonathan is going to win the presidential election for the second consecutive term amidst challenges and controversies. But meanwhile, he needs to be very careful about the friends he keeps and people he confides in. He needs to be more prayerful and vigilant. I see some of trusted allies in his cabinet betraying him soon and this will give him the shock of his life.”