An Ikeja Chief Magistrate’s Court, yesterday, remanded one Abdulsalam Olayinka, 20, in prison for allegedly raping a 14-year-old orphan on Valentine’s Day. Chief Magistrate Tajudeen Elias ordered that the accused be remanded in Kirikiri Prison and adjourned the case till February 24 for ruling on the bail application. The accused, a trader, who lives at 2, Amodu St., Agege, Lagos, is standing trial for rape. The prosecutor, Inspector Benedict Aigbokhan, told the court that the offence was committed on February 14 at 5, Olanrawaju St., Agege. Aigbokhan told the court that the accused went to his friend’s house, but that the friend was not around; that he met the girl in the house and raped her. Aigbokhan said: “The victim, who is an orphan, screamed but no one in the house came to her rescue, except her aged grandmother.” The offence, according to the prosecutor, contravenes Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The accused, however, pleaded not guilty.
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