Jehovah’s Witnesses Invite All To Annual Convention

The Assembly
The 2014 Annual Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses has commenced in Nigeria. They have been inviting neighbours and friends to attend. The theme of this year’s programme is “KEEP SEEKING FIRST GOD’S KINGDOM!”
Starting from September ending, and continuing for the next 12 weeks, the convention series will host Delegates from all parts of the Country. Nigeria plan to host 271 Conventions inside large Auditoriums in 30 Cities. Worldwide, there are over 7,900,000 Witness in more than 113,000 Congregations.
For Lagos and Ogun residents, 4 Large Auditoriums are available at Ota, Badagy, Daluwon and Lekki. An estimated 6,000 will attend Ota Assemby Ground, each week for 12 successive weekends.
Moved by love and to make sure many enjoy the rich Bible-based programmes; personal, Printed Invitation is being extended to everyone in Lagos, Ogun, and indeed all Conventions’ Cities. The first of three-day events to be held in Ota will begin Friday, September 26th, 2014 at 8.20am. There is no admission fee. Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are supported entirely by voluntary donations.
Beginning Friday morning, the Convention highlights a connection between family values and the teaching of Jesus Christ. The programme will also examine how those words of Jesus can be of special interest to Families. An example of this will be the programme part featured on Friday afternoon entitled “Teach Your Children To Love God’s Kingdom!”
Speaking on what to expect at the Convention series, Afolabi Odeyemi, a Convention spokesman, states: “People of many faiths pray for God’s Kingdom. This Convention will explain what the kingdom is and how it can be a positive influence in our lives. A highlight of the programme will be the Keynote Address on Friday morning, which will discuss how that Kingdom is benefiting people today. …A core belief of Jehovah’s Witnesses, based on Biblical and historical evidence, is that Jesus Christ began to rule as the King of God’s Kingdom in 1914. The convention program marks this year as the centennial of that event.”
He adds “Our Conventions are thrilling and festive occasions to attend. We think the public will also enjoy these events with us, as we gather together as Families and Friends for what promises to be an exceptional series.