• How investors became punys tenant to him
Money changes everything. It makes a prince out of a pitiful pauper and yet reduces a covetous princess below the rank of a palace slave. It is the cursed craving for it that benumbs reason; it is what drives many a businessman to ask: “What good is the moon if you cannot buy or sell it?” Money, therefore, is never just money. It is always something more and something scary and it always has the last word in the lives of its victims.
Indeed, greed corrupts the heart of its victim and makes a tiresome predator of him; eventually, it makes a pitiful prey of him. Many a covetous fellow has been corrupted by wanton lust for money. In the haze of their yearnings, they fail to understand that money is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped; same with material possessions too.
But it takes a heart unsullied by greed and wanton lust for riches to understand this. Hence a brilliant mind might attest to this but the heart of a man addicted to lust and ruled by greed will rebel against such reason. No character best exemplifies that craving for money than the Lebanese dude, Felix Khater. Despite his working relationship with the Chagourys as their errand boy, he is a very rude guy.
As you read, Felix has sunk his lust for money like fangs into the finances of the much-talked about Eko Atlantic financing by his principal, the Chagourys. Speculations abound that he has become so desperate he doesn’t care hoot about many an investor. He talks to people anyhow and he’s very to rude to the bone..